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16 Mei 2010....
April 23, 2011
April 15, 2011
Minggu akhir...
Minggu akhir di Puncak Perdana semakin mendekat. Ada yang ucapkan tahniah..ada yg memberi momokan ngeri..ada yang menasihati..dan juga sokongan padu..apapun yg di beri ku terima dgn hati terbuka..momokan itu adalah juga anugerah bagi ku supaya diri ini tidak terlalu leka dan sentiasa berada di zon selesa..ak perlu anjakkan diri ku ke satu tahap baru...sgt perlu..perlu bersedia untuk hadapi dunia yg penuh mencabar...dan ak telah maklum di mana tahap ku..walaupun berat, tapi ini yg telah ditakdirkanNya..ak bukanlah sehebat ahli keluargaku yg lain, bkn lah setanding dgn sepupu2 sebaya ku, x setaraf dgn jiran tetangga ku, juga x tersenarai dlm yg terbilang diantara sahabat2 lamaku...yang penting sekarang, inilah diriku
dari hati: terkadang sedih bila menghitung kelemahan diriku lebih banyak dr kelebihan..Ya Allah, jadikan lah ak hambaMu yg sentiasa bersyukur dgn nikmatMu ini...aminnn
dari hati: terkadang sedih bila menghitung kelemahan diriku lebih banyak dr kelebihan..Ya Allah, jadikan lah ak hambaMu yg sentiasa bersyukur dgn nikmatMu ini...aminnn
Heart of the muslim
Looking up at the sky, searching for Allah most High
He rejected the way of worshipping Gods of clay
Prophet Ebrahim knew that Allah was near
And that the heart of a Muslim is sincere
Under the hot burning sun, he declared God is one
Though with stones on his chest, his Imaan would not rest
The Muadhin knew that right would conquer wrong
And the heart of a Muslim must be strong
It's the heart of a Muslim through the guidance of Islam
That makes you fair and kind and helpful to your fellow man
So living as a Muslim means that you must play a part
Allah looks not at how you look, but what is in your heart
In our poor meager state, little food on our plate
Mother said she was glad, always sharing what we had
When I asked how can we share what's not enough
She said the heart of a Muslim's filled with love
He said its time you should know, you will learn as you grow
That some people around will do what's bad to bring you down
Father said to be a star that's shining bright
For the heart of a Muslim does what's right
So whatever you, make sure your words are true
Honesty is the best, because life is a test
Even if it hurts so much you want to cry
For the heart of a Muslim does not lie
dari hati: sangat terkesan dgn bait2 liriknya..semoga hari esok dan yg akan datang akan jadi lebih baik dan lebih lagi...salam hari jumaat semua..
He rejected the way of worshipping Gods of clay
Prophet Ebrahim knew that Allah was near
And that the heart of a Muslim is sincere
Under the hot burning sun, he declared God is one
Though with stones on his chest, his Imaan would not rest
The Muadhin knew that right would conquer wrong
And the heart of a Muslim must be strong
It's the heart of a Muslim through the guidance of Islam
That makes you fair and kind and helpful to your fellow man
So living as a Muslim means that you must play a part
Allah looks not at how you look, but what is in your heart
In our poor meager state, little food on our plate
Mother said she was glad, always sharing what we had
When I asked how can we share what's not enough
She said the heart of a Muslim's filled with love
He said its time you should know, you will learn as you grow
That some people around will do what's bad to bring you down
Father said to be a star that's shining bright
For the heart of a Muslim does what's right
So whatever you, make sure your words are true
Honesty is the best, because life is a test
Even if it hurts so much you want to cry
For the heart of a Muslim does not lie
dari hati: sangat terkesan dgn bait2 liriknya..semoga hari esok dan yg akan datang akan jadi lebih baik dan lebih lagi...salam hari jumaat semua..
April 6, 2011

updet kegilaan lama. lama dah x melipat2 dan membentuk2 ni..sem ni saya wat individual project for multimedia dgn topik ORIGAMI..kegilaan dan kegemaranku..
masa yg suntuk x menggalakkan saya melipat banyak2..projek yg buat mse sem 4 pon tergendala. projek final sem ni menggalakkan sy banyak melipat lg..
tajuk individual projek ni bebas. jadi, punyalah fikirr apa kegemaran sy yg sy boleh aplikasikan dalam projek ni dan yg penting x membebankan..boleh reduce tension di akhir2 sem ni..pikir punye pikir punye pikir, browse dan google...TINGG! terbuka website origami..on the spot anta RFP tuk wat tajuk ni..and suprisely its APPROVE...Alhamdulillah..
Jadi, skrg sy masih lg dalam mood melipat..
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